Hello, I’m Chad Moore and this is my photoblog. It’s a place to document some of my photography, and maybe the stories behind the photos. This site is inspired by Boo! from Maique, a great photographer I know from online circles.


I believe that the best camera is whichever one you have in your hand right now. For most folks that likely means the camera on their phone. There’s amazing technology packed into those devices, and as the kids say, I’m here for that.

But, I started taking photos with analog film cameras in the 1980’s. I’m coming back into analog for a lot of reasons:

  • Digital declutter
  • The film aesthetic
  • The amount of time it takes from loading the film to seeing the results (it’s far from instantaneous and I love that)
  • Nostalgia and connection.
    • I still have that camera I started shooting with. It was my fathers’, and he gave it to me when he didn’t use it any longer.

As I like absurdity, improvisation, and I am trying to really embrace uncertainty in all aspects of my life. That leads me to “toy” cameras.

From the hip

One of the mantras of the Lomography movement is to “shoot from the hip”. To me it means point the camera, take the photo, then think. Embrace that absurdity, improvisation, and the fact that you never really know what you’re going to get.

Hence the name of the site.


I aspire to get the Nikon F series fixed. I’m not sure what model it even is, but it’s at least 40 years old and still kicking. The light meter doesn’t work, so I use a light meter app on my phone. More worrying is that the film door is very delicate upon open and close.

I aspire to save the $300 USD to replace my old Lomo LCA. That camera is so beat up that it would be cheaper to buy a new one that get it fixed. It’s more my fault than the build quality of the camera. It sits proudly on a shelf. I hope to replace it in 2024.


Buying, shooting and having film developed is costly. I think it’s $1.50 USD per frame on average but I should crunch those numbers. Certainly a high bar for a hobby. I am grateful I have the means to support this hobby.


Say hi via email, or check out my main site.